My newest book has just today been launched. It is entitled: Re-founding Education: Jesus’ Teaching Method for Parents, Pastors, Teachers & Administrators.
We know we have problems. Yet, all the tried solutions disappoint. This is because we are using the same model of education that was intentionally put on the wrong track. Let’s get back on the right track, by following the Great Teacher, Jesus.
Even a non-Christian would admit that Jesus must have been a great teacher, since his teaching still inspires so many people. Why are not Christian schools and Christian teachers looking into how Jesus taught? The last published attempt was 1895!
We start with a brief history of education in the United States — which ends up being very revealilng. We briefly cover the situation in private schools and educational movements. Then, we get into 7 lessons from how Jesus taught. Then, we very briefly point the way forward.
BTW, the book is on sale now, in Kindle format:
And yes, for sure, you can get help implementing this vision. Just contact me for structure and rates. info@ NOSPAM