Big News: book launch

My newest book has just today been launched. It is entitled: Re-founding Education: Jesus’ Teaching Method for Parents, Pastors, Teachers & Administrators.

We know we have problems. Yet, all the tried solutions disappoint. This is because we are using the same model of education that was intentionally put on the wrong track. Let’s get back on the right track, by following the Great Teacher, Jesus.

Even a non-Christian would admit that Jesus must have been a great teacher, since his teaching still inspires so many people. Why are not Christian schools and Christian teachers looking into how Jesus taught? The last published attempt was 1895!

We start with a brief history of education in the United States — which ends up being very revealilng. We briefly cover the situation in private schools and educational movements. Then, we get into 7 lessons from how Jesus taught. Then, we very briefly point the way forward.

BTW, the book is on sale now, in Kindle format:

Re-founding Education Email List

We respect your email privacy

And yes, for sure, you can get help implementing this vision. Just contact me for structure and rates. info@ NOSPAM

NOW: Tutoring in Reading and Math

About this time of year, parents are frustrated with:

their child not reading,

their child not understanding their math,

the child’s teacher not caring,

the school not working.

Yes, I know. I’ve been there. My daughter has been there with her children too. However, we have lots of victory to tell about.

Come to me. Let me either tutor your child OR show you how to “home-school.” Either way, call now. Now is the time for good foundations. Now is the time to instill the love of learning.

Do not let the government school teach your child that learning is stupid and bad ….. or impossible! Do not let them cause inability to read or inability to do math. Stop now, and go a different direction. Learning is fun and just about every child can learn to read — easily! Like play!

And then, outperform academically and in life.


Do you need a small, gentle, social, school setting for your 2nd thru 6th grader? Maybe some individualized placement? With no labeling? Fun? Love learning? Character building? Contact me info

I will also take students learning to read at 8:00am to 9:00am. If there are enough students who want to stay for the day, so that we can afford to hire staff, we will start also a K/First class.

We hope to open in Cedar Park, TX, and in Lubbock, TX. But let me know wherever you are, if you are interested. We aim to help.

What is a Micro-School?

A micro-school is NOT like the one-room schoolhouse you saw on Little House on the Prairie. That is a school, old-fashioned style, with a textbook for each grade, with each child progressing lock-step. Each child is in a grade, and works with that grade.

By contrast, first imagine a homeschooling mother with all her children at the dining room table. She has a easy to teach, Bible based, project rich, pedagogically sound curriculum in front of her. This year they are studying Rome. Everyone is learning together, but the 7 year old and the 11 year old have different homework. Next year we will all study the Medieval period. Everyone will study history in order; everyone will participate in the projects, and everyone progresses at their own pace. Language arts and even science is keyed to the History lesson. Math is individual, orderly, sensible, high level, but self paced.

Now expand that to a teacher, great with kids, who can likewise open that same curriculum, but she had a bigger table. Elementary children in the morning, and then the junior and senior high kids check in during the afternoon while the elementary students are working on their projects or playing on the playground. There is curricula for the one learning to read, which happens a few minutes everyday at home, or if full time care is needed, then, in another room.

What You Get

Notice, much higher quality education: more individual attention, more care, more engagement, and better curricula. Home like environment. Other children. Everyone works at his or her own level. Christian character.

Also Looking for Staff

If you want to work with us, especially if you have experience in early childhood education, please also contact me. We need people who are good with children, can follow directions, and have good judgement. If that is you, then contact me: info@ NO SPAM

Need Help for Those “Free” Courses From (secular) Universities?

I am seeing an ad from University of Texas/UT High school advertising free online high school. If your students are taking this or any similar program and would like a tutor or guide to that system, please call on me. Can tutor online, securely. Also will organize first of term webinars on the care/feeding/safety around professors. Will address concerns of both secular, conservative, and/or Christian students. email me at

Also, fyi: Don’t Lose Your Faith in College (book I wrote)

Courses for Sale

First 8 listed are ready to go, and want sign-ups. I would like to have facetoface classes in Lubbock or Cedar Park, but could go online. Of course, that is good news to anyone not in one of those 2 locations! Courses are $300 a semester, running 14 weeks from after Labor Day to mid December. Study groups may run less.

Please request courses that are “forthcoming;” I will publish the most requested courses first.

  1. How to Read without mistakes and without tears (2 hours twice a week in person) Starting face to face in Lubbock or in Cedar Park if enough sign-ups. This can not be online.
  2. How to teach how to read and math: with no tears and no mistakes for super grades and understanding later. This is for parent/teachers. Evening course online (Probably Monday night 7:00-9:00p CT) Would rather have a face to face group with refreshments. Lubbock or Cedar Park depending upon number of signups, but online is possible. (I never use Zoom or Facebook for live groups, for privacy reasons. I have another platform that works exactly the same way.) $150 a semester
  3. Educators study group -probably Sunday nights for teachers – with potluck $200 per semester
  4. Best of Literature for elementary/grammar school children 1 hour twice a week online or in person in Lubbock – with or without homework. Fall 2024 will be literature from 1500- 1800s. Fall 2025 we will have Greek/Roman literature.
  5. Western Civilization Reformation to 1850. Using a college textbook, at half speed, along with pointing out lies and important omissions. This is a college prep course. Essay questions. On a stick drive. Ready for Sept. Civil War to current day as second semester. Grading & live lecture/discussion possible if enough signups. (online MW 1:00-2:20 or in person Lubbock if makes). Should be ready for selling on stick drive in January/February
  6. Writing, Study Skills, and Time Management for College TTh 2:30-4:00 online (or Face to Face in Lubbock if it makes)
  7. Sociology on a stick drive. College prep level. Three major underlying perspectives, how to spot Marxism, introduction to common topics, and how to manage classroom interactions with professors. 45 presentation hours over 15 weeks. You will buy a used textbook in addition to this course. Short papers and multiple choice test. Ready for August. Grading and/or live lecture/discussion possible in person in Lubbock, North Austin, or online (not Zoom or Facebook, but another platform)
  8. Civics: The American Covenant (book by Marshall Foster tracing history (topics will vary depending upon semester) TTh 2:30-4:00 high schoolers, or TTH 6:00-8:00, whole family; online (will not be Zoom nor Facebook) or in person should there be enough signups
  9. Logic/rhetoric/How to think/Spotting propaganda 12 yo+ MW 2:30-4:00
  10. Etiquette 10 thru high school – MW 4:00-5:00 with party near end of term
  11. Higher level sociology re Marxism, globalization, and social problems possible should there be requests.
  12. Earlier and later Western Civilization forthcoming. Probably Sept 2025
  13. American History: Politics, Economics, and Religion – 2 semesters forthcoming
  14. Literature courses that coordinate with American History and/or Western Civilization.
  15. Economics – basics and at least 3 philosophical perspectives, and how money & currency is made – forthcoming
  16. Bible Devotions: Apostles Act for upper elementary and middle school – Daily workbook – ready now, for sale as workbook
  17. Introduction to Bible – From scratch to working knowledge This not a doctrine class so much as an introduction. You will know where to find things! 12 weeks forthcoming
  18. Comparative Religion – 8 lessons, each 2 hours long, factual material what each teaches – Final is compare and contrast paper. Adult, High schooler or whole family – in person only
  19. Home Economics A : managing a household, menu planning, basic cooking : project: plan a week’s menu and cook a meal for the family . — Forthcoming
  20. Home Economics B: Managing money: budgeting, payment and accounting, pitfalls of debt- forthcoming : project planning income/outgo for a month after graduation – Forthcoming
  21. How to engage in politics. Suitable for a day or weekend for a church. 8-12 presentation hours Age 15 thru adult. Forthcoming in published form.
  22. Algebra I, Geometry classes if make

Educational Consulting

I have done educational consulting for many years. Now, I am hearing that there is a new wave of homeschoolers who are exiting government schools now, but because of the urgency of the hour, feel unprepared to homeschool. Good news! Some of us have been doing this for a long time. Let me help you! I homeschooled my daughter and my grandsons. I have consulted for educators of all kinds since… gosh the 1980s. I have coached some home educators, too. My family has success to tell about in many different kinds of learning problems. I have helped many students make outstanding gains. Take up your courage. I can give you a hour for $200.00 via phone. Call me for a time to chat.

I am for hire. Start a school, micro school, or homeschool — with experienced help.

Parents everywhere are exiting government schools, as well they should. It is an Exodus in more ways than one. I am hearing that so many new homeschoolers are bewildered because they have no background. I am hearing that people are dismayed at the difficulty of setting up a school. Let me help you. Whether you want some coaching, an ongoing parent support group, a school consultant, or even a new Headmaster (only if in Texas with a budget) CALL ME. I CAN HELP YOU. I CAN MAKE IT EASIER THAN YOU CAN BELIEVE! Licensed childcare centers are hard and I have helped owners, boards, and directors for over 20 years. I have done what you are doing. So have others. Let me help. email :

Resources for Parents

The Montessori Method of education was born in an experimental school in slum housing in Rome. They asked Dr. Montessori MD who had had success with mentally retarded children, to set up a school. Just as her former students out performed others, so did these. They loved learning! The Bishop came to see. The press noised this about in The States.

Dr. Montessori said that her efforts to reform education based on scientific observation and a servant’s heart was a mission from God. Much later, she promoted the cause of peace and favored the League of Nations. Today, because some Montessorians are very liberal, many Christians are wary of it.

Today, there is a long-standing, time-testing Christian outlet for training in the Montessori Method that I recommend. It is The Christian Montessori Fellowship, run by Mr. and Mrs. Fidellow. Here is there site to encourage and equip parents.

All parents are educators. Those who educate at home may particular feel the need for help in teaching reading and solid mathematical foundations. The practical portion of the Montessori Method does this in an unsurpassed way. Studies show that students coming out of Montessori preschools outclass all others.


NEW! Early college start — free credit at the community college level seems like a good deal, financially, for homeschooled high schoolers. But think. Do you really want to put your child, socially, in the midst of adults who were not successful in their high school? Do you really think that the academic level at a community college is as high as your high school honors student? Do you have idea of the level of communism, wokeness, critical race theory, pornography and sheer anti-Christianity that they are likely to be exposed to? So, don’t you desire an alternative?

Now you have one! Proctored [online] early college start classes! A long-term instructor, retired from the local community college, who is also a long-time Christian, inerrantist will offer proctoring. Your student can study on their laptops but in the same room as other home educated students and socialize on breaks with similar students. Further, given her two Master’s degrees and experience in the system, she can provide mentorship in navigating the system, managing academics, and facing the onslaught to faith.

Also offered: History, Government, Economics, and Sociology courses taught directly, face to face, with similar students. You give the credit. Student should be able to handily CLEP the college credit or take AP exam. However, we are teaching for understanding the subject matter, how to succeed academically, and how to be a servant leader, more than merely teaching to the test.

Please contact Ms. Sarles today : 512-534-5425 . Please also see her book : Don’t Lose Your Faith in College : Loose it! Also written for my community college level students: How to Win the Game of School

Helping start schools

Helping start Christian preschools and schools anywhere

Please call to see if I can help you. Many years consulting for early childhood in Texas. This includes some very specific knowledge of pertinent regulations. Includes unique and deep expertise in inter-church relations for the congregationaly affiliated schools. Of course, continuing to do teacher training. General managerial, marketing, and curricular consulting for school at any level.